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Cat Facts

  1. group of Domestic Shorthair cats

    Domestic Shorthair Cat Breed Profile

    Unlike purebred cats with specific lineage and traits, Domestic Shorthairs aren’t technically a breed...
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  2. calico cat open mouth flehmen response

    What Is the Flehmen Response in Cats?

    Why do cats open their mouths when they smell something? This is called the flehmen response in cats...
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  3. Scottish Fold cat laying on red carpet

    23 Oscar®-Winning Movies Featuring Cats

    From "Gone with the Wind" to "Bohemian Rhapsody," our list of Oscar®-winning movies featuring cats spans 90 years...
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  4. person cat cuddled by woman

    15 Signs Your Cat Loves You

    Do cats love their humans? Read on for common signs your cat loves you and learn how to get a cat to like you...
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  5. orange tabby cat kitten

    10 Orange Tabby Cat Facts

    Find out why there are more orange male cats than females, plus more of our favorite orange tabby cat facts...
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  6. woman watching Christmas movies with cat

    The Best Christmas Movies with Cats

    It's time to curl up on the couch with your blanket, your kitty, and one of these best Christmas movies with cats...
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  7. too many cats eating meals

    How Many Cats Is Too Many?

    Victim of the cat distribution system? What to consider before welcoming a new cat into your home...
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  8. young tabby cats and Maine Coons

    How Big Will My Cat Get?

    How big your cat gets mostly depends on their breed. Early physical characteristics also provide insight...
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  9. siberian cat in a black Litter-Robot 4 unit

    Top Cat Names Registered with Whisker's Pet Profile

    Every cat deserves a name as unique as their personality, and Litter-Robot® makes it easy for cat owners to register...
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  10. brown tabby cat in woman's arms

    7 Reasons Why a Spayed Cat Will Live Longer

    Let’s take a look at the reasons why a neutered or spayed cat will live a longer—and likely happier—life...
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  11. Siberian cat walking couch with plant in background

    Hypoallergenic Cats: Facts, Details, and Breed Guide

    No cat is 100% hypoallergenic. These 8 cat breeds produce less Fel d 1 or have minimal shedding, making them ideal...
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  12. calico cat with green eyes

    Cat Genetics: Fever Coats, Taste Buds & More

    Get answers to some fascinating feline questions, such as: Can cats taste sweetness? And what is a fever coat? ...
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  13. tabby cat using Litter-Robot 4 self-cleaning litter box

    Cat Litter Box History: From Sandbox to Self-Cleaning Litter Box

    Learn about the history of the cat litter box, from the great outdoors to today's self-cleaning solutions...
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Fun cat facts and feline tidbits 

Cats are endlessly fascinating, and we have the content to prove it! Read 100+ articles on the Litter-Robot blog that include fun facts about cats. You’ll find cat facts related to coat pattern, breed, unique abilities, and more!

Did you know? Cats instinctively know how to use the litter box. To avoid being eaten or attacked by predators, ancestral wild cats had to cover up their tracks and hide their waste to mask their scent. They gravitated toward soft dirt or sand, since the granular consistency made it easier to bury their waste. 

What other interesting facts about cats didn’t you know? Cats meow for humans, not other cats. A group of cats is called a clowder or a glaring, while a group of kittens is a kindle. 30%-50% of cats lack the gene that makes them react to catnip. Research suggests that a cat’s purr has the power to self-heal. People with cat allergies aren't allergic to fur, but rather a protein found in a cat’s saliva, urine, and dander called Fel d 1. Cats seek out boxes that offer cover for their predatory hunting instincts, as well as to hide to avoid becoming prey—an instinct passed down by their wild ancestors. Contrary to popular belief, cats don’t see in black and white—but research suggests that they are red-green colorblind. A 1-year-old kitten is developmentally equivalent to a 15-year-old human. (Most) cats are lactose intolerant. Cats’ whiskers help with directional orientation and spatial awareness.

Shall we keep going? The “tabby” cat isn’t a breed—it’s a pattern. Your cat has a third eyelid that functions as a shield for their cornea. Cats are imitating snakes when they hiss. Your house cat likely isn’t nocturnal, but instead crepuscular, or most active around dusk and dawn. How long a cat lives largely depends on whether they’re indoor-only or an outdoor cat. Cats almost always land on their feet due to their impressive “righting” reflex. Cat pee smells so bad because it’s so concentrated—felines originated in the desert and evolved to absorb a large amount of water from their urine to maintain their hydration. Cats are more likely to knead if they were separated from their mothers as young kittens. And finally, cats aren’t just jerks: They knock things over to test for hidden prey.