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What Human Food Can Cats Eat?

Est. read time: 6 min.

With the holidays fast approaching, you may find your cat begging for table scraps on more than one occasion. But is anything you consume at your feasts actually safe for a feline family member? Human food for cats can be a tricky area to navigate. 

Most of the major food groups have a few items that your cat can safely enjoy—but they all contain food that you should actively avoid giving to your cat, or accidentally leaving out for your cat to ingest. 

While it is very common to want to let your cat sample some of your human food, there is no need to do this. If you prefer to err on the side of caution, avoid offering your cat human food altogether. Continue reading to find out what human foods should be fine for cat consumption in moderation.

What human foods can cats eat every day?

In most cases, human food for cats should be an occasional treat, not an everyday occurrence. Pet obesity is a growing concern across the country. At most, allow your cat 20 calories per day from safe human food. Human foods that are good for cats include:

  • Cooked, plain salmon – omega-3 fatty acids help with vision, arthritis, kidney disease, and heart disorders
  • Cooked, plain lean meats 
  • Pumpkin/squash (no seeds)

Can cats eat raw meat?

Cats are carnivores, so their diets must be largely made up of animal protein. A major misconception about human food for cats is that felines should be consuming raw meat. It’s true that some pet parents put their cats on a raw food diet, but this requires extremely cautious preparation work. Raw meat containing E. coli, salmonella, or listeria will sicken a cat, just as it will humans. So, only serve your kitty plain (seasoning such as garlic or onion powder could be toxic) and cooked meat—and talk to your veterinarian before putting your cat on a raw food diet.

Serve sparingly:


what meat can cats eat infographic

What vegetables can cats eat?

Some veggies contain the added nutrients, fiber, and water that any cat could use, particularly for digestive issues. Cook or steam broccoli, asparagus, carrots, and green beans for easier consumption. Do not allow your cat anything from the allium family (including spices and powders), such as garlic or onions—these can cause damage to your cat’s red blood cells, leading to anemia or even death.

Serve sparingly:

  • Peas
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Carrots
  • Green beans
  • Spinach (avoid if your cat has had any urinary or kidney problems)
  • Beans (plain, cooked)


what vegetables can cats eat infographic

What fruits can cats eat?

Cats can’t taste sweet flavors. Yet there’s always the occasional oddball that enjoys a piece of fruit, which can also aid with digestive issues. For a creamy treat, blend the fruit with a tiny bit of plain, low-fat yogurt.

Serve sparingly:

  • Avocado (no skin or pit)
  • Pumpkin/squash (no seeds)
  • Bananas
  • Peeled apples (no seeds)
  • Blueberries
  • Cucumber
  • Cantaloupe/watermelon (no seeds)


  • Grapes or raisins (even a small amount can cause kidney failure in cats)
  • Citrus fruits (orange, lemon, lime, etc.)

what fruits can cats eat infographic

Can cats eat grains?

Many cats enjoy grains with a smaller texture, like couscous and millet. Make sure you don’t feed your cat raw dough of any kind, as it leads to expansion and can produce alcohol in the stomach. Finally, not all seeds or nuts are harmful to cats, but many are—and those that aren’t are likely high in salt and fat. It’s best just to avoid these altogether.

Serve sparingly:

  • Cooked corn/polenta
  • Couscous/millet
  • Bread/breadcrumbs
  • Oats/oatmeal (high in protein)
  • Mashed brown rice, barley, or wheat berries
  • Peanut butter (creamy)


  • Raw dough
  • Seeds and nuts

what grains can cats eat infographic

Can cats eat dairy?

Many people are either under the misconception that cats should have lots of dairy (think little saucers of milk), or have heard that cats are actually wildly lactose-intolerant. The truth lies somewhere in the middle: Every cat is different, but most can tolerate a small amount of low-lactose dairy.

Serve sparingly:

  • Hard cheeses (like cheddar, swiss, or gouda)
  • Low-lactose cheeses
  • Yogurt (plain, unsweetened, low-fat)


what dairy can cats eat infographic

Other human foods that may be harmful to cats

When it comes to human food for cats, err on the side of caution. Even if the food you serve your kitty isn’t known to be harmful, they could still have a small bout of upset stomach, diarrhea, or vomiting. Pay attention to your cat's litter box habits—or get notifications with a WiFi-enabled, self-cleaning litter box like Litter-Robot.

The safest and most recommended option is to stick with a commercial canned or dry diet formulated to meet your cat’s needs: they don’t need to try human food. 


Can cats eat eggs?

Cats can eat plain, cooked eggs if served sparingly. Raw eggs can cause illness in cats due to E. coli, salmonella, or listeria.

Can cats eat bananas?

Bananas are generally safe for cats to eat. Most cats will not be very interested in bananas, as cats cannot taste sweetness.

Can cats eat bread?

Cats can eat plain bread. Never give your cat raw dough or yeast, as it leads to expansion in the stomach and can produce carbon dioxide and ethanol alcohol.

Can cats eat apples? 

Cats can eat peeled apples, but avoid seeds.

Can cats have watermelon? 

Cats can have watermelon, but avoid seeds.

Can cats eat cucumbers?

Yes, cats can eat cucumbers.

Can cats have turkey? 

Yes, cats can have plain, cooked turkey. Avoid bones and fat trimmings.

Can cats have oatmeal?

Yes, cats can have plain, cooked oatmeal. 

Can cats eat white rice?

While cats can eat plain white rice, mashed brown rice is a healthier option.

Can cats eat mayo? 

We don’t recommend it. The ingredients in mayo aren’t typically toxic to cats, but they aren’t nutritious either. 

Can cats have peas?

Yes, cats can have cooked or steamed peas.


Cover photo by Anastasiia Rozumna via Unsplash

Human Food For Cats: What’s Safe and What Isn’t