
  1. How to Find the Right Veterinarian for Your Cat

    How to Find the Right Veterinarian for Your Cat

    Finding the right veterinarian is essential to your cat's lifelong health and happiness. It's common to go to the...
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  2. Why Is My Cat So Aggressive?

    Why Is My Cat So Aggressive?

    When you first brought your cat home, she was probably a shy, playful little kitten. Play time with your pet was...
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  3. How To Fix Or Address Your Cat's "Marking Behavior"

    How To Fix Or Address Your Cat's "Marking Behavior"

    You cat has a biological instinct driving it to mark its territory and stake its claim by rubbing, scratching, and...
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  4. Cat Rescue: Preparing For Adoption

    Cat Rescue: Preparing For Adoption

    Looking for a new addition to the family, but not yet ready for one with opposable thumbs? Adopting a kitten, or...
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  5. Hours Of Fun With Cats And Laser Pointers

    Hours Of Fun With Cats And Laser Pointers

    Playing with your cat is a very important aspect of cat ownership. Sometimes, though, you might not feel up to moving...
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  6. Best Recipes For Cat Treats

    Best Recipes For Cat Treats

    You love your cat and want to dote on it with affection, right? Sure you do! And what better way to show your love...
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  7. How To Keep Your Outdoor Cat Safe

    How To Keep Your Outdoor Cat Safe

    Your outdoor cat thanks you for letting it run wild, or at least it would if it could. From getting to be outside...
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  8. How To Keep Your Dog Out Of Your Cat's Food

    How To Keep Your Dog Out Of Your Cat's Food

    Your dog may have an irresistible urge to chow down on your kitty’s kibble. It’s no one’s fault, but that stuff just...
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  9. Litter Box Ideas

    Litter Box Ideas

    We’ve said it once and we’ll say it a thousand times, your cat’s litter box...
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  10. Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Box: The Future Of Litter Box Technology

    Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Box: The Future Of Litter Box Technology

    Are you sick and tired of repeated back-breaking crouches that bring you in close proximity to your cat’s waste...
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  11. Advantages Of An Automatic Litter Box

    Advantages Of An Automatic Litter Box

    Although there are quite a few different automatic self-cleaning litter boxes currently on the market, the one on...
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