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Clemence Servonnat has been a cat and dog parent for most of her life and knows the ins and outs of the joy and responsibilities of living with pets.


  • Bachelor of Marketing and Communication
  • IAE Lyon, France


Clemence has 5+ years of professional experience in marketing, strategy, writing, and editing. From hamsters to big fluffy dogs, Clemence has always had many pets to love and cuddle. Her current pet is a dog named Baloo, a black collie mix rescue from Mexico.

Des articles

  1. litter box cleaning and cat poop scooping

    Comment Nettoyer La Litière du Chat - Guide Complet

    If you’re wondering how to clean a litter box, we’ve got tips—whether you have a traditional litter box or a self-cleaning...
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  2. cat in self-cleaning litter box with best litter for Litter-Robot

    Quelle Est La Meilleure Litière Pour Litter-Robot ?

    The best litter for Litter-Robot is clay-clumping, low-dust, low-tracking, unscented while locking in odors, and...
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  3. Ragdoll cat inside Litter-Robot 4

    Où Mettre La Litière du Chat Dans un Petit Appartement ?

    In a small house or tiny apartment, the goal is to make your limited space work. The cat litter box should be out...
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  4. 15 Races De Gros Chats Domestiques

    15 Races De Gros Chats Domestiques

    Check out 15 of the largest cat breeds, which have made the record books with their size—while still being the perfect...
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