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Dr. Laria Herod is a full-time veterinarian and the content creator behind Squally Muffin, a lifestyle brand with an emphasis on human and pet parenting. She shares engaging content on several social media platforms with the help of her doting husband, their adorable daughters, adopted family dog, and chatty cat. After completing her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Tennessee, Laria left her home state to enjoy 300+ days of summer in the greater Phoenix area.


  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
  • University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine
  • 2016 - 2020
  • Bachelor of Science, Animal Sciences
  • University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • 2012 - 2017


Dr. Laria Herod is Small Animal General Practice Associate Veterinarian at Banfield Pet Hospital in Queen Creek, Arizona. She began her journey as a blogger turned influencer turned content creator while in veterinary school. When she is not creating new memories with her family, she likes to fill in at various veterinary hospitals across the greater Phoenix area to help with the great veterinary shortage.

Des articles

  1. two orange tabby kittens learning to use the litter box

    Comment Éduquer Un Chat à Utiliser La Litière En 5 Étapes

    Teaching your kitten to use the litter box isn’t very difficult, but it is essential. Learn how to litter box train...
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  2. long-haired cat using self-cleaning litter box

    Chat Qui Urine Beaucoup ? Voilà Pourquoi

    Is your cat making frequent trips to the litter box? If your cat keeps going to the litter box but nothing happens...
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  3. cleaner spray and step mat over sink

    Comment se débarrasser des odeurs de pipi de chat ?

    Does your whole house smell like cat urine? Follow these steps to remove the odor. Remember, investing in a quality...
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  4. tabby cat peeing outside the litter box on a rug

    Pourquoi Mon Chat Fait Pipi Partout ? Causes & Solutions

    From a dirty litter box to medical issues, our vet explains the top reasons why cats miss the mark...
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  5. cat watching cat litter being poured into litter box

    Combien De Fois Faut-Il Changer La Litière

    How often to change cat litter depends on how many cats you have, the type of litter you use, and more...
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  6. 3 cats with self-cleaning litter box, Litter-Robot 4

    La Meilleure Litière Pour Plusieurs Chats

    Litter-Robot is the best litter box for a multi-cat home. Shared traditional boxes are one of the top offenders of...
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  7. tuxedo cat sitting on floor looking up

    Pourquoi Mon Chat Fait Caca Par Terre ?

    Explore the nuances of cat behavior, understand litter box issues, and deepen your bond with your feline friend...
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