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Lori Gardner has been a staff author and editor at Whisker for 6+ years, and a cat mom for most of her life. She spends her days writing while two cats (and one toddler) vie for her lap.


  • Bachelor of Arts, Professional Writing
  • Michigan State University


Lori has 14+ years of professional experience in marketing, strategy, writing, and editing in metro Detroit. She's been an animal lover since she could toddle and a pet parent since she could scoop a litter box. (Those days are done, thanks to Litter-Robot.) She has also fostered several sets of kittens; her youngest cat is a foster fail.

Des articles

  1. Siamese cat sniffing bag of clumping cat litter

    Quelle Quantité Mettre Dans Un Bac à Litière ?

    How much cat litter to use depends on the type and size of your cat's litter box...
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  2. two orange tabby kittens learning to use the litter box

    Comment Éduquer Un Chat à Utiliser La Litière En 5 Étapes

    Teaching your kitten to use the litter box isn’t very difficult, but it is essential. Learn how to litter box train...
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  3. long-haired cat using self-cleaning litter box

    Chat Qui Urine Beaucoup ? Voilà Pourquoi

    Is your cat making frequent trips to the litter box? If your cat keeps going to the litter box but nothing happens...
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  4. tabby cat using Litter-Robot 4 self-cleaning litter box

    Histoire de la litière pour chat : Du bac à sable à la litière autonettoyante

    Learn about the history of the cat litter box, from the great outdoors to today's self-cleaning solutions...
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  5. cleaner spray and step mat over sink

    Comment se débarrasser des odeurs de pipi de chat ?

    Does your whole house smell like cat urine? Follow these steps to remove the odor. Remember, investing in a quality...
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  6. tabby cat peeing outside the litter box on a rug

    Pourquoi Mon Chat Fait Pipi Partout ? Causes & Solutions

    From a dirty litter box to medical issues, our vet explains the top reasons why cats miss the mark...
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  7. cat watching cat litter being poured into litter box

    Combien De Fois Faut-Il Changer La Litière

    How often to change cat litter depends on how many cats you have, the type of litter you use, and more...
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  8. 3 cats with self-cleaning litter box, Litter-Robot 4

    La Meilleure Litière Pour Plusieurs Chats

    Litter-Robot is the best litter box for a multi-cat home. Shared traditional boxes are one of the top offenders of...
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  9. tuxedo cat sitting on floor looking up

    Pourquoi Mon Chat Fait Caca Par Terre ?

    Explore the nuances of cat behavior, understand litter box issues, and deepen your bond with your feline friend...
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  10. large orange tabby cat using self-cleaning litter box

    Meilleures Litières Pour Gros Chats - Litières XL

    It’s no secret that cats are picky about their litter boxes, especially if they're big! We've narrowed down the top...
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  11. litter box cleaning and cat poop scooping

    Comment Nettoyer La Litière du Chat - Guide Complet

    If you’re wondering how to clean a litter box, we’ve got tips—whether you have a traditional litter box or a self-cleaning...
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  12. cat in self-cleaning litter box with best litter for Litter-Robot

    Quelle Est La Meilleure Litière Pour Litter-Robot ?

    The best litter for Litter-Robot is clay-clumping, low-dust, low-tracking, unscented while locking in odors, and...
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  13. Ragdoll cat inside Litter-Robot 4

    Où Mettre La Litière du Chat Dans un Petit Appartement ?

    In a small house or tiny apartment, the goal is to make your limited space work. The cat litter box should be out...
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