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Santé du chat
Is your cat making frequent trips to the litter box? If your cat keeps going to the litter box but nothing happens...Read More
Pourquoi Mon Chat Fait Pipi Partout ? Causes & Solutions
From a dirty litter box to medical issues, our vet explains the top reasons why cats miss the mark...Read More -
Combien De Fois Faut-Il Changer La Litière
How often to change cat litter depends on how many cats you have, the type of litter you use, and more...Read More -
Pourquoi Mon Chat Fait Caca Par Terre ?
Explore the nuances of cat behavior, understand litter box issues, and deepen your bond with your feline friend...Read More
Cat health: Everything you need to know
We all have questions about our cat’s health from time to time, and you may want to confirm your cat’s symptoms before seeking veterinary attention. Cat health articles on the Litter-Robot blog are not meant to replace medical advice from a licensed veterinarian (although some of our articles are written by vets!), but we do offer thoroughly researched topics for your education.
How do you know if you have a healthy cat? There are a lot of facets to this question, and ultimately it can only be answered by a veterinary professional. However, you may wish to learn more about what makes a cat healthy. For example, what is a healthy cat weight? Do you know what to look for when it comes to healthy cat poop, cat teeth, cat ears, cat eyes, and more?
How often should you take a cat to the vet? Learn more about cat health when it comes to different life stages—such as fostering kittens, avoiding obesity in adult cats, and helping senior cats sleep better. Get answers to common pet parent frustrations, like why your cat is pooping or peeing outside the litter box.
What about seemingly innocuous questions that can have life-threatening consequences? For example, can cats eat garlic or onions? No, they can’t! Are there houseplants safe for cats? Yes, there are. (But be sure to avoid lilies.)
Can cats eat dog food? Can they be vegan? If you’ve ever wondered something random about cat health—like whether cats hiccup or dream, why they try to bury their food, or why they open their mouths after smelling something—chances are we’ve got you covered!
Note: Cat health articles are meant for informational purposes only; if your cat or pet is experiencing a medical problem, please contact a licensed veterinary professional.