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What happens if my cat tries to enter the globe while it is rotating?

Litter-Robot 3:

Litter-Robot 3's cat sensor will detect your cat once it enters the globe and the motor will stop. Once your cat leaves the globe, Litter-Robot 3 will wait 15 seconds before attempting to resume the cycle.

Bottom view of Litter-Robot 3 with cat sensor circled

Weight applied on the step and/or step mat will not trip the cat sensor or stop the globe rotation. If a cat steps inside, the globe will stop when rotating counter-clockwise or stop and temporarily reverse direction when rotating clockwise.

Litter-Robot 4:

Litter-Robot 4 is equipped with curtain sensors looking downward across the unit opening and into the globe that detect when a cat enters or exits the globe while in the home position. If a curtain sensor is activated during a cycle, the globe will stop. After 15 seconds of no further activation, the globe rotation will resume.

Litter-Robot 4 curtain sensors looking downward across the unit opening

Litter-Robot 4 is also equipped with weight sensors located in the base of the unit that are used to further detect and weigh the cat within the globe while in the home position. If additional weight is detected during a cycle, the globe will stop. After 15 seconds of the additional weight exiting, the globe rotation will resume.

Litter-Robot 4 weight sensors located in the base of the unit

For best accuracy of the weight scale, the unit should be placed on a hard, level surface. If placed on carpeting, the accuracy of the scale will be reduced. The Litter-Robot 4 Carpet Tray can be used to improve the accuracy of SmartScale weight readings when Litter-Robot 4 sits on carpet.

Persian cat using Litter-Robot 4 on Carpet Tray  

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