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Clemence Servonnat has been a cat and dog parent for most of her life and knows the ins and outs of the joy and responsibilities of living with pets.


  • Bachelor of Marketing and Communication
  • IAE Lyon, France


Clemence has 5+ years of professional experience in marketing, strategy, writing, and editing. From hamsters to big fluffy dogs, Clemence has always had many pets to love and cuddle. Her current pet is a dog named Baloo, a black collie mix rescue from Mexico.


  1. toybob cat playing - small cat breeds

    15 Smallest Cat Breeds & Miniature Cats That Stay Small

    Many cat breeds are naturally tiny, while some are derived from the Munchkin. These breeds stay kitten-like forever...
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  2. Ragdoll cat inside Litter-Robot 4

    Where to Put the Litter Box in a Small Apartment

    In a small house or tiny apartment, the goal is to make your limited space work. The cat litter box should be out...
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