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Whisker App Onboarding: Serial Number Currently In Use

If you have attempted to onboard and you receive the message that the serial number is invalid or currently in use, this indicates that the serial number may already be registered. Each unit can only be affiliated with one email login.

  1. More often than not, your robot is simply registered to a different email. Log out and log back in with the email you originally onboarded the robot with.
  2. Check that no one else in the household has registered the unit and if it may be under a different email.
  3. If your onboard attempt was unsuccessful and you are attempting to re-onboard, submit a support request and include an image of the serial number on your unit to delete it from our system.
  4. If you have purchased your unit second-hand or would like to change the email address affiliated with your unit, submit a support request. For faster processing, please include a photo of the front of your unit, the serial number on the back of your unit, and confirmation of your purchase or gift.

If you are selling or gifting your robot and you'd like to unregister your unit, you will first need to delete it from your account.

  1. Open the Whisker App.
  2. Select the unit you'd like to delete.

  3. Select the Settings gear in the top right corner.

  4. Select Delete Robot.

  5. Follow the steps listed within the app.

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